Thank you!
Two-piece set by Paloma Wool.
Two-piece set by Paloma Wool. Earrings by Dosaes.
Top and Pants by Nemesis. Ring by La Manso. Earrings by Dosaes.
Left: Two-piece set by Paloma Wool. Earrings by Dosaes. Right: Two-piece set by Paloma Wool. Ring by La Manso.
Set by Marta Casal. Shoes by Onnoa.
Left: Top and Pants by Nemesis. Ring by La Manso. Earrings by Dosaes. Right: Blazer by María Guzmán. Jeans by Denied. Ring by Zahati.
Two-piece set by Zao Resortwear. Ring by Zahati.
Two-piece set by Paloma Wool. Earrings by Dosaes.
Left: Two-piece set by Zao Resortwear. Right: Two-piece set by Paloma Wool. Ring by La Manso.
Shirt and Pants by Marta Casal.
Two-piece set by Paloma Wool. Earrings by Dosaes.
Maria Marin@marinmariaph
Elisa Serra@elisaserrapompei
Makeup & Hair
Clàudia Casanovas@clocasanovas
Águeda at Fifthmodels@aguedarias@fifthmodels
Photo/light Assistants
Andrea lopez@andrealopezlAdrià Porta@adriaphtc
270 - Paradis PerduSadie Kim by Nelson Huang for Factice Magazine March 2021
269 - NeverlandCate Bennett and Anjali Torvi by Natasha Killeen for Factice Magazine March 202
268 - LuminescenceAndrea Hrncirova by Ondřej Košík for Factice Magazine March 2021